Who doesn't love Strings? At first listen, you know you want more. They always have beautifully worded songs, & memorable melodies.
J'adore this song! Although the vid isn't as special/beautiful as some others by them, it makes me nostalgic...Remember when it was always playing at the airports?
I love how chill and laidback Strings is here. They're the epitome of cool.
Their lyrics are poetic as always..luv when Bilal goes "
nazaroan mein deykha...baharoan mein deykha.." (First time I've heard him with main vocals, usually that's Faisal, the older one.)
By the way, if I've made any mistakes in my translation, please let me know :)
Moon, peek....and hide.
Barriers, are, look...burning.
This heart desires that you won't leave.
Somebody, make this person see sense.
The night's sweet slumber...is you.
The path to my goals...is you.
This heart desires that you won't leave.
Somebody, make this person see sense.
Nananananana...my beloved..my beloved oh...
Life...she took with her...while smiling.
With scarf...face concealed.
This heart desires that you won't leave.
Somebody, make this person see sense.
I'm your prince, my princess.
Mad for you, my madness/love [pun]
Nananana..my beloved..my beloved oh...
In my homeland, you...were seen among the stars.
The way the sun's first rays are seen at the horizon's edges.
The way flowers are seen in the landscape.
Seen amongst the sights, seen amidst the scenery.
In my homeland, you...were seen among the stars.
Seen amongst the sights, seen amidst the scenery.
Moon, peek.
Fences, look...just...burn.
My heart desires that you won't leave.
Somebody, make these people see sense!
Nanananana..my beloved...my beloved oh...